Child Labour

Child Labour

Child Labour and exploitation represent a grave violation of human rights and have far-reacting consequencer. of on the well being and future of children. By implenat comprehensive strategies, adove advocacy and collaboration we seek to pro protect and empower children, rai's awareness and work towards eradicating child later and exploitation

objectives - to raise awareness about the prevalence and consequences of child labor and suplaritabin at local national and international levels.
To strengthen legpal framewortes and enforcement mechanisms to combat ched child career and exploitation.
To provid support and rethalle rehabilitation services. to child laborens and victims of exploitation.
To promote education and vocational training of opportunities as sustainable alternatives to shild labor.
To foster collaboration among stakeholders including gond. coril socisty organization and businesses. tod address the root causes of cote child labor and exploitation

Project activities -
Research and Documentione Conduct research to a gather data and informationen vor the entoutoud nature of child labor and export in the target regions. Document case studies, stories and statistics to generate evidence based reports and raise awareness.

Adorocacy and awareness, capcampaigns:
stengthering legal framworks. capacity building and rehabilition - establish and support rehabilitation Contors and shelters for rescued child laborers and victims of exploitatie Provide access to medical care, counseliny, educabin vscattaral training M -Educational Initiatives. Promote access to quality educatimi-by pastrering with shools and communiy organization to develop programs that prioritize child enrollment and retention and completiona rates -Stakeholder collaboration: - Facilitate dialogue and Collaboration away stakeholders including goretinens, civil society organisation ba and businesses.

Expected outcomes-
A Increased awareness and understandi understandiry and exploitation as a human rights crisis. of of child labor
2. strengthened leajal framewortes and improvedenforcement mechanisme to combat child labor an exploitation.
3. Enhanced support and rehabilitation services for child laboures te and victims of exploitation.
4. Expandes access to quality education and vocational offortunities for vulnerable children.
5 Greaker collaboration and partnerships asutamang stakehabdans for sustainalote and long toron sletting a key indicator is decrease in the use of children purely for farm and other family labour situations. Another Indicator is less out of schanel childrem will be sem at home or in the streets.

Project cut put
1. at the end of project 90% of 200 children will Complete primary scheul educatim
2. At the and of profeet 90 to of 100 older children and yout will complete voccational trainny.

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